Trusts and Inheritance Tax: Back to Basics (Mar 24)
Category: Tax | Duration: 1hr | Tag: VODUK2415 | Type: Video | Course Level: Foundation | Speaker: Victoria Baguley-Wood | Date: 05/03/2024 10:00
Trusts are a flexible and often used structure by our clients – ranging from Nil Rate Band trusts to large generational trust planning. They can be onshore and offshore, and can be structured to aid spouses, children, disabled and vulnerable individuals, to name a few. When dealing with such a versatile structure, creating (or refreshing) a solid foundation in the UK IHT treatment of trusts, both onshore and offshore, is essential to being able to best advise your clients on the complicated IHT treatment of trusts. In a landscape where taxes are getting ever more compliance and trusts are coming under more and more scrutiny from the Government, it is important that advisers are able to provide the best possible advice to their clients.
Victoria Baguley-Wood covers the following topics during this course:
Victoria Baguley-Wood