Course Details

One of the many benefits of the disruptive technology that is blockchain is the Tokenisation of Real World Assets. There has been a huge shift over the past year, with estimates that tokenisation will be a sector worth over £10 trillion by 2030.
 As an example, it is also estimated that there are over £1.5 billion of intangible assets (such as Intellectual Property, brand value, goodwill etc.) sitting within SME’s balance sheets that these businesses cannot utilise. Tokenisation changes all of that and it will be a game changer for these businesses and their regulated professionals. Accountants should now be fully conversant with this huge change in the financial landscape.

In this course Alan Sellers covers the following topics:

  • Background of blockchain and digital assets and how tokenisation fits in
  • What is tokenisation?
  • Which assets can be tokenised? The real world examples
  • How can assets be tokenised and what would the benefit be to accountants and businesses?
  • The future of tokenisation and how it will impact accountants and their clients

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CPD Course Speaker

Founder & CEO - Your Crypto Coach

Alan Sellers

Alan Sellers has been an accredited Executive Coach for 26 years, helping practices in the financial and legal sectors succeed. He is an established blockchain and digital asset influencer. Alan is the official blockchain and crypto specialist for the London Chamber of Commerce, and the only cryptocurrency and blockchain expert on the Institute of Directors Fintech and Finance Group. His TikTok account provides educational content about cryptocurrency and has over 3.7m views. As Founder of Your Crypto Coach Limited Alan’s vision is to educate as many people as possible about the exciting world of blockchain and crypto in a ‘sound, practical and safe’ way. “Blockchain is how the internet was 30 years ago. I’m not sure people realise what an enormous impact this amazing technology will have on all aspects of their lives. I’ve made it my mission to educate them in a safe and secure way”