Course Details

In this course Jeremy Roff covers what every accountant should be thinking about in choosing between the cash and accruals basis, the benefits and disadvantages of each, and the process involved in moving from one basis to the other. The five main areas he covers are:

  • What are the differences between the cash basis and the accruals basis?
  • What benefits are there for clients comparing the cash basis and the accruals basis?
  • What adjustments are needed when moving from the accruals basis to the cash basis?
  • What adjustments are needed when moving from the cash basis to the accruals basis?
  • Non-tax considerations in choosing between the cash basis and the accruals basis

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J N Roff & Co

Jeremy Roff

Jeremy Roff attended the Institute of Chartered Accountants In England and Wales and the Institute of Taxation.

After completing his articles with a small firm in Hull Jeremy decided to specialise in tax on qualification. Jeremy did corporate tax work in the early 1980s, switching to personal tax. He then became a partner in October 1988 at the age of 29 in Coopers & Lybrand / PricewaterhouseCoopers.

Jeremy acted as a private client partner from 1988 to 1999 in Leeds, then in Manchester from 1999 to 2003 (also helping out in Birmingham in the last year). Additional roles within PwC were as follows:

• member then leader of national trust technical group
• leader of the private client network nationally
• business team leader for private client/middle market tax work in the North
• chief operations officer National Markets Tax
• member of knowledge management central team
• member of international team on independence issues
• national personal tax operations leader
• CEO personal financial planning Consequently, Jeremy has gained management and IT expertise as well as tax expertise in his various management roles. The role of COO just post the merger of Coopers & Lybrand and Price Waterhouse resulted in Jeremy being involved various HR and operational issues as the two firms’ systems were put together.

Jeremy took a career break after leaving PwC in 2003 and became a smallholder. Farmers in the area asked Jeremy to do their accounts and tax, as well as give them advice, and Jeremy has done this as a sole practitioner from 2009 to date.