Course Details

Research shows that search engine optimization (SEO) is the most effective online marketing technique for generating leads and growing your professional services firm in today’s increasingly digital marketplace. If you want to be found online by valuable prospects searching for your services, then you need to understand how search engines work. Additionally, you must be willing to invest time and effort into optimizing your site and tracking results. 

Jo Edwards will cover the following topics during this webinar:

  • Offsite SEO – increasing your authority
  • How to conduct keyword research
  • How to write keyword rich content
  • Monitoring your SEO performance

By attending this session, you will learn more about organic SEO and how to improve your website performance.

This session will be of particular interest to accountants in practice.

Course Level: Intermediate

CPD Course Speaker

JE Consulting

Jo Edwards

Jo Edwards is the principal of JE Consulting, who specialise in providing marketing assistance to accountancy and legal firms.

Jo has over 30 years practical marketing experience working with a wide range of firms across the UK, both large and small and has a particular specialism in preparing and delivering internet and social media strategies to clients.

Jo and her team’s "hands on" approach to marketing has helped many firms across the country, to generate new clients and develop profitable cross-selling services to existing clients through innovative e-marketing programmes.