R&D Claims for Manufacturing Businesses (Jan 24)
Category: Tax | Duration: 1hr | Tag: VODUK2407 | Type: Video | Course Level: Intermediate | Speaker: Simon Briton | Date: 30/1/2024 10:00
In this course we cover the new R&D landscape for manufacturing businesses. With changes in the rates and the type of costs that can be claimed, this is an essential course for anyone with company clients in the manufacturing sector so that you can be on the front foot when talking to clients about this issue in the run up to 1 April 2024.
The course cover changes to the subcontractor rules, the introduction of 'RDEC for all' and discuss the type of questions to ask clients when looking to identify qualifying activities.
Simon Briton has a wealth of practical experience in this area and will share those insights, as well as an understanding of the upcoming changes in recent legislation.
Simon Briton