Minor Gains: What You Need to be Aware of (Apr 24)
Category: Tax | Duration: 2hrs | Tag: VODSPTXUK24D2S2 | Type: Video | Course Level: Intermediate | Speaker: Carl Bayley | Date: 18/04/2024 12:10
The Capital Gains Tax (‘CGT’) annual exemption has fallen dramatically from £12,300 in 2022/23 to just £3,000 in 2024/25. This has major implications for tax planning, reporting, and practice workload, with tens of thousands more taxpayers being caught in the CGT net. In this course, we look at the issues practitioners need to be aware of to enable them to advise clients on other ways to mitigate their CGT bills, and prepare for the additional workload coming their way.
Carl Bayley covers the following topics during this course:
Carl Bayley