Course Details

Generation Z (those aged today between 11 and 26) are colloquially known as the “zoomers”. They are the children that have grown up with the internet and do not know life without it. 


With 62% of Gen Z indicating they have started or intend to start their own business and more than half of this age group being targets for practice recruitment; accountants cannot afford to ignore their preferred methods of communication. As older clients and staff members retire, it’s important to think about how to attract them now before we have to start worrying about Generation ALPHA who are next on the scene….


Communicating with Generation Z can seem like a daunting task. However, figuring out how to ‘get down with the kids’ and make your marketing and recruitment click with a younger crowd is easier than you think.


Jo Edwards covers the following topics during this session:


  • Gen Z Characteristics
  • What do they expect from their professional advisers
  • What do they expect from their employers
  • What tech do they expect you to have in place
  • Understand the communication channels that will work to attract Gen Z as employees and clients

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CPD Course Speaker

JE Consulting

Jo Edwards

Jo Edwards is the principal of JE Consulting, who specialise in providing marketing assistance to accountancy and legal firms.

Jo has over 30 years practical marketing experience working with a wide range of firms across the UK, both large and small and has a particular specialism in preparing and delivering internet and social media strategies to clients.

Jo and her team’s "hands on" approach to marketing has helped many firms across the country, to generate new clients and develop profitable cross-selling services to existing clients through innovative e-marketing programmes.