Fights, Fall-outs And Fails - Recent Company Disputes And How They Could Have Been Avoided (Mar 23)
Category: Company Law and Insolvency | Duration: 1hr | Tag: VODUK2316 | Type: Video | Speaker: David Impey | Date: 09/03/2023 10:00
Accountants advising private company clients will benefit from this study of recent company law disputes in the courts – the factors that caused them, what those involved could or should have spotted and done to avoid them, and what to advise your clients to make sure they don’t get caught out in the future too.
David Impey covers the following topics during this session:
• Unlawful and backdated dividends, and payment timing tricks
• Arguments about constitutions
• Directors' duties – beware evolving circumstances
• The risks for directors in ‘standing by’ and ‘wilful blindness’
• Falsifying records and registers – be on guard
• De facto directorships, including those that creep up on you
• Shares in limbo – when chancers take advantage
• Climate change fails and directors' duties – they’re coming to get you
David Impey