Corporate & Financial Reporting Updates (Jun 24)
Category: Company Law & Insolvency | Duration: 1hr | Tag: VODATSUK24D2S6 | Type: Video | Course Level: Need to Know | Speaker: Claire Thomson | Date: 05/06/2024 15:30
This course presents an overview of the current and upcoming changes in UK corporate and financial reporting. The course covers company law changes as a result of the Economic Crime & Corporate Transparency Act implementation, as well as a review of the upcoming changes to UK GAAP.
Sustainability reporting is a fast-developing area, and this course reviews the current UK requirements, and look to the changes that will be implemented over the next few years, particularly for large entities.
Finally, the course explores how financial statements can be used as a powerful communication tool, to advocate for the company and promote its success and achievements. This will be particularly valuable as small and micro entities find themselves having to make more information publicly available in the coming years, and this presents an opportunity to advertise and promote their business and its successes.
Claire Thomson covers the following topics during this course:
Claire Thomson - Director