Audit Considerations - Going Concern
Category: Audit | Date: 04/04/2024 10:00 | Duration: 1hr | Tag: WEBUK2422| Type: Webinar | Speaker: Lindsay Webber
Going concern is one of the most topical areas in audit and financial reporting at the moment. ISA 540 on going concern was revised in 2019 which put more responsibility on the auditor to identify and assess any events or conditions that indicate an uncertainty related to going concern. In this webinar we will unpack the technical requirements of ISA 240 and provide practical advice on audit evidence and documentation so that your audit files stand up to scrutiny.
Lindsay Webber will cover the following topics during this webinar:
By attending this session you will be able to clearly document your audit evidence, professional judgement and professional scepticism related to going concern.
This session will be of particular interest to auditors.
Course Level: Advanced
Lindsay Webber