April 2023 - All Change for R&D (Mar 23)
Category: Tax | Duration: 1hr | Tag: VODUK2317 | Type: Video | Speaker: Simon Briton | Date: 21/03/2023 10:00
On top of changes announced a few months ago, last minute changes to the R&D tax regime were announced by the Chancellor in this week’s budget, leaving very little time for advisers to get to grips with the new rules before they come into play on 1 April. This session gives advisers an essential update on how the new rules will work and what to look for when talking to clients about the changes.
By purchasing this session you’ll become familiar with the rule changes that are coming into play in April, and how they are likely to affect your clients.
This session will be an update for advisers and so a familiarity with the concepts of R&D tax relief will be useful but not essential.
Simon Briton