Course Details

Tax Advisors, Solicitors, Auditors, Accountants, Art Dealers are required to/have a legal obligation to complete Anti Money Laundering Training. 

The training should be completed in specific core areas;

-              The applicable Law

-              Customer Due Diligence

-              Internal SARs

-              How to deal with a MLTF situation

-              How to avoid Tipping Off

-              Relevant data protection requirements


By purchasing this session, you will be provided with training in some of these core areas as well as relevant supporting material from the institutes and other governing bodies.


 Elaine Jackson focuses on providing you with quality training in the areas of;

-              The applicable Law

-              Customer Due Diligence

-              Red Flag Indicators


And one of the most important supporting elements of AML compliance

Maintaining appropriate training and AML awareness

CPD Course Speaker

OmniPro Practice Support

Elaine Jackson

Today we are joined by Elaine Jackson, Director of Audit and Compliance at Michael Power Accountants, specialising in Audit, Debt Review/Restructuring and Compliance. Michael Power Accountants provide Audit, Accountancy, Tax and Financial Advisory Services to businesses across Munster, operating from our offices in Tipperary Town and Clonmel. Many of you will already know Elaine. Elaine has previously worked with OmniPro as Head of the Accountants Resource Centre and was also a member of OmniPro’s Practice Support team