Amendments to FRS 102 and 105 Update (March 2024)
Category: Financial Reporting | Date: 18/07/2024 10:00 | Duration: 1hr | Tag: WEBUK2446 | Type: Webinar | Speaker: Robert Kirk
This short webinar will cover the main changes that have been introduced by the Financial Reporting Council (FRC) to update the existing FRS 102 and 105. As most accountants in the UK are involved in either preparing or advising clients on how to comply with these standards it is important that they have an early warning to the significant changes being implemented, particularly on accounting for leases and reporting revenue in the financial statements.
Robert Kirk will cover the following topics during this session:
By attending this session you will be able to prepare and advise clients on the likely implications of the changes being made to FRS 102 and 105.
The session be of most interest to accountants involved in the preparation of SME financial statements but also to practicing accountants who provide financial advice and auditors.
Those attending should have a knowledge of the existing FRS 102 and 105 in order to best appreciate the amendments being implemented.
Robert Kirk